2024 Gut-Brain Program for Smart Schools

Through nourishing the gut, we enhance the brain.

Linda Conder's School Program, the Gut-Brain Program for Smart Schools, combines rigorous scientific research with practical applications to promote better mental and physical health in schools. This evidence-based program is crafted to improve concentration, mood and overall academic performance by creating a culture of healthy eating across the whole school community. With tailored content delivered in-person or online, each school receives dedicated support to ensure the successful implementation and long-lasting benefits of the program.

These this program is delivered to your school by an expert nutritionist.


What The Program Offers


In-school educational and interactive nutrition Lessons for Transition - Year 12

These interactive lessons, led by a real-life Nutritionist, are available live, via Zoom, or as recorded videos.

Essential Topics include fussy eating, sugar's impact, processed foods, food label literacy, the five food groups, & nutrition for optimal learning.


These can be presented live or via 6 x 10-minute videos

These are designed to explain the links between various gut-brain and nutrition concepts in relation to teacher and student health, wellbeing, behavior and learning. They are based on the latest scientific research and are filled with inspirational case examples and practical steps to create lasting change.


Create the package your school needs

These services are designed to empower your school community with the knowledge and resources needed to foster a culture of health and well-being. Choose the options that best suit your school’s goals and priorities and together let’s nurture healthier, happier students ready to achieve their full potential.


Additional resources to support the whole school community

Teachers and parents will have access to digital resources tailored to help keep them on track at home and in the classroom. These resources include downloadable short videos, guides, worksheets, checklists, shopping lists, meal plans, and lunch box ideas, all specifically tailored to support both gut and brain health.


Value add for your parents and offer In-school health consultations

Schools can offer 1:1 specialist support, easily accessible for teachers, parents, and students, either in-person in the Darwin region or via Telehealth. These consultations, tailored to individual needs & schedules, address specific health issues, including fussy eating.


Be confident in your healthy canteen service

We offer a detailed assessment of your canteen menu by a registered nutritionist, with recommendations to enhance offerings and promote healthier choices for students. We can also provide guided mentoring by working one on one with your canteen staff to help them make the healthy changes with confidence.

Transform Your School


Linda Conder's Gut-Brain Program for Smart Schools is pioneering the integration of nutritional science into the educational curriculum to enhance both mental and physical health. Developed with robust scientific backing, this program is uniquely designed to boost cognitive function, mood, and overall student engagement through targeted nutrition education. We provide a comprehensive suite of interactive, evidence-based lessons tailored to each year level to ensure impactful learning experiences that resonate with students from Transition to Year 12.

Understanding that each school has its unique challenges and opportunities, our program offers bespoke implementation plans. With resources tailored for students, educators, and parents, the program extends its reach beyond the classroom to foster a holistic educational environment. Our dedicated team supports every step of the implementation process, ensuring a seamless integration that resonates school-wide.

The Gut-Brain Program for Smart Schools takes a whole-school approach, involving engaging workshops for teachers and informative sessions for parents. These initiatives are complemented by professional development opportunities, including webinars and online courses, all accessible through our interactive online platform. This comprehensive resource hub is designed to empower teachers with the knowledge and confidence needed to deliver the program effectively.

Discover how the Gut-Brain Program for Smart Schools can make a significant difference in your students' academic and personal development. Schedule a discovery call with Linda or send an inquiry to learn more about tailoring the program to your school's needs. Transform your educational environment with a program that places well-being at the heart of learning.

The Importance of This Program for Our Students and Teachers


65% of adolescents do not seek help for mental illness, highlighting the need for school-based wellness programs (Haapala et al., 2017).

70% of primary students feel low levels of hope, linked to dietary impacts on mood and cognitive function (Cook, 2018).

1 in 4 primary students experience high anxiety & depression, conditions that can improve with better nutrition (Ferrer-Cascales et al., 2019).

Nutrition is the essential yet often overlooked factor in children's development, with just 4.3% of children aged 2-17 consuming the recommended quantities of both fruits and vegetables (source: www.abs.gov.au, 2022).

Nutrition plays a vital role in cognitive function, academic performance, and mood regulation. Research consistently demonstrates that well-nourished brains function more effectively, leading to improved concentration, better memory, and enhanced problem-solving skills. When we remove sugar and highly processed foods from their diets, children are better able to regulate their emotions and behavior. Studies show a significant reduction in antisocial behavior when children's diets are improved. We can work together to create supportive, safe, and academically successful schools.

Amid what has been described as a 'schools crisis' in Australia, it’s time we introduced this vital missing piece. With food as our body’s building blocks, we can help create positive and supportive environments where both teachers and students thrive.

I help students, parents and teachers optimise health, learning and wellbeing by providing tailored, science-based nutrition programs that nourish the gut and enhance brain function.

My Mission

I have been a teacher for over 20 years and am now a Nutritional Medicine Consultant. I support school communities to foster healthy eating to ensure all children have the opportunity to reach their full potential.


Hi! I’m Linda Conder. I’m on a mission to improve the health and well-being of our communities, one nutritious bite at a time. My nutrition journey began over 15 years ago when I was volunteering at a center for homeless children in Kenya, where I contracted amoebic dysentery. This led to a painful battle with ulcerative colitis, a condition that not only affected my ability to teach but also took a toll on my mental health. After countless medical investigations with no solutions, I stumbled upon an ABC Radio interview about gut bacteria and how they influence our overall health, including our mental well-being. That was a turning point for me.

I immersed myself in research, devouring every book and scientific paper I could find on gut health. The changes I made were nothing short of miraculous—I went from constant pain to living a vibrant, energy-filled life. This personal transformation inspired me to shift my career focus from teaching science in middle and primary schools to becoming a nutritional consultant specializing in children’s health, mental health, and gastrointestinal health.

As a former teacher with over 20 years of experience, I saw firsthand the struggles that children face in the classroom—struggles that often go beyond academic challenges. More and more students are battling issues like anxiety, ADD, and difficulty regulating their emotions. I realized that much of this was tied to the food they were eating, or more accurately, the lack of real nourishment they were getting.

My work is now dedicated to helping schools, teachers, and parents understand the critical role nutrition plays in a child’s ability to learn, behave, and thrive. As the Australian Ambassador for the Food for the Brain Foundation, I bring a unique perspective that blends my extensive teaching background with my deep knowledge of nutrition. I offer comprehensive programs that include live class lessons, parent education, professional development for teachers, canteen audits, and one-on-one nutritional consultations.

My goal is to make it easy for schools to improve student behavior, learning, and well-being through nutrition. Together, we can nourish young minds and create a healthier, happier future for our children.

Ensure you fill out the form at the bottom of this page if you would like to talk with me about running the program in your school in 2025.

Program Samples

Explore our carefully crafted program samples to get a firsthand look at how our Gut Brain Program for Smart Schools can positively impact your students' health and academic performance. Each sample—whether it's a detailed lesson plan, engaging presentation, or digital resource—demonstrates our commitment to creating healthier school communities supporting both gut and brain health. These tools are designed to be practical, engaging, and easy to integrate, offering schools a valuable investment in their students’ well-being and success.

Helping to build resilient staff from the inside out!

"For our staff professional development day, I invited Linda Conder to speak about the importance of gut health and how it can affect our wellbeing and performance. The staff thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and were very interested in the connection between mental health and gut health.

Teaching is such a demanding job and schools are such dynamic workplaces which is why I wanted the staff to learn how looking after their gut health through healthy food and lifestyle choices can assist them to bring their A-game to work on a daily basis. It was also lovely for the staff to do some personal learning and to put themselves on the list of importance.

Linda was an engaging presenter and incredibly knowledgeable in nutrition in particular our focus on gut health. I have had staff mention to me how much they enjoyed and appreciated the workshop.

Thank you for helping inspire the staff, even if it is to make one lasting change, that is a step in the right direction."

— Melinda Kealy
Principal Anula Primary School

What Parents & Teachers Are Saying..

Teachers and Parents

Short Courses


In a report released by the Black Dog Institute, 60% of teacher absences in the previous month were due to a mental health or emotional problems. 52% of teachers reported moderate to extremely severe symptoms of depression compared to 12.1% in the general population. When it came to anxiety symptoms the figures were 46.2% compared to 9% and for stress, these figures came in at 59.7% compared to 11.4%.

- Black Dog Institute 2023

Program Inclusions


    Teachers and parents will have access to a digital resources tailored to help keep them on track personally and in the classroom. These resources include downloadable guides, worksheets, checklists, shopping lists, meal plans and lunch box ideas, all specifically tailored to support both gut and brain health. These can be used in the classroom and in families homes.


    Private health consultations in schools provide individuals the opportunity to receive personalised advice and recommendations from healthcare professionals at their convenience. These can address specific health concerns, dietary needs or lifestyle factors that may impact their well-being. Having this service also make it easier for families to get targeted support even identifying health issues early and provide early intervention strategies, preventing the escalation of health problems and stop their long-term progression into adulthood.


    Healthy canteens promote the well-being and health of students by offering nutritious food choices that support their physical growth and development. By providing balanced meals and snacks, healthy canteens help ensure that students have access to the vitamins, minerals and energy they need to concentrate in class and perform well academically.

    Healthy canteens play a crucial role in shaping lifelong eating habits. When children are exposed to nutritious options early on, they are more likely to make healthier choices throughout their lives. This helps reduce the risk of developing diet-related health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease later in life.

    A thorough assessment of your school canteen, conducted by a registered nutritionist, will evaluate the nutritional quality of the items served to your students and staff.


    1. Menu Evaluation

      • The nutritionist reviews the current canteen menu, examining each food item and beverage for its nutritional content. They assess factors such as fat, sugar, salt levels, and presence of beneficial nutrients like vitamins and minerals.

    2. Nutritional Guidelines

      • The audit compares the menu items against established nutritional guidelines or standards for healthy eating. This may include guidelines set by government health authorities in your state or your specific school policies.

    3. Ingredient Analysis

      • The nutritionist examines the ingredients used in food preparation to identify any potential additives, preservatives or allergens that may impact the nutritional value or suitability of the items.

    4. Portion Sizes

      • The audit considers portion sizes offered to ensure they align with recommended serving sizes for different age groups and dietary needs.

    5. Food Preparation Methods

      • Evaluation of cooking methods and preparation techniques used in the canteen to determine their impact on the nutritional quality of the food served.

    6. Recommendations

      • Based on the findings, the nutritionist provides detailed recommendations to improve the nutritional quality of the canteen offerings. This may include suggestions for healthier ingredient substitutions, menu modifications and strategies to promote nutritious choices among students.

    7. Education and Support

      • The audit can also include educational components for canteen staff, such as training on healthy food preparation and cooking, understanding nutrition labels and promoting healthier food options to students


    These services are designed to empower your school community with the knowledge and resources needed to foster a culture of health and well-being. Choose the options that best suit your school’s goals and priorities. Work with me to help your school community thrive.


    • I can also assist you with designing appropriate surveys to assess the impact the program is having on your school.

    • If you need assistance with applying for grant applications to purchase this program, I can help with that too.

Ready to sign up?

Please complete the form to express your interest or find out more about costs and availability.